
Volleyball is a social sport. Here in the Hunter, volleyball creates a gathering place for all ages looking to play, socialise and compete to the best of their ability.

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned competitor, we've got some great options for adults to get involved in volleyball with three different adult competitions running throughout the year.

You can follow the social competition draws and competition tables each season here.

Tuesdays graded

Tuesdays at our Newcastle City hub in Broadmeadow is a graded competition for A, B, and C Grade players. We run 2-3 seasons per year and currently cater for up to 21 teams across all divisions. Spaces are limited and highly sought after, so we run player grading sessions to help new players find a spot to join existing teams.
Congratulations to No Dig'gity for another A Grade championship, defeating Nic's Angels in the finals on 9th April.

A/B Champion division and B/C Challenger division finals are coming up on 21st May, swing by the stadium in Broadmeadow to catch the action!

2024 Winter/Spring competition

A and B Grades start 23rd July
C Grade starts 20th August

Wednesdays women's

Wednesday at the Lake Macquarie hub in Gateshead is traditionally our Women on Wednesdays B Grade competition. We offer three seasonal competitions per year and new players are always welcome as we expand from 4 to 6 teams. This competition is fun, getting more competitive with every season, and a pathway for junior girls into senior competitions, as well as a place for experienced players re-joining the competition after time out of the game.
Congratulations to the Flaming Flamingos for taking out the Summer/Autumn championship on 10th April, after defeating the Newbies!

2024 Autumn/Winter competition

New season : 1st May women's training session
Round 1: 8th May

Thursdays mixed recreational

On Thursdays at Gateshead we have an awesome community of Adult Mixed Recreational players competing where the spirit of the game is "Fun and Fair Play at all times!".

No uniforms, no team, no worries, we'll help you find a team or welcome new teams as we cater for up to 8 teams per season. Every week there's a new themed Playlist and throughout the season we sprinkle in some coaching sessions to help everyone improve their skills.
Congratulations Elements who defeated Mi Casa for the Summer/Autumn championship on 11th April!

2024 Autumn/Winter competition

Season starts: 16th May social training & new player rego
Round 1: 23rd May

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